How we handle your data.

We are a reputable organization, registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria and approved by the Ministry of Education. We have been providing educational services since 2014.

Information collected on our website is only used for the purpose of being able to provide adequate educational content for your child. We do not share identifiable data with any Third Parties. The only third parties which may have access to your unidentifiable data are platforms from which we get educational content and where your child may be required to login to access such educational content. Also, we use some third party apps for communication, but do not share personal identifiable data with them.

Brainy Hive Schools will not contact you for any other services or purposes outside that of the education of your child, and that only within the period the service you subscribe for is active.

At the end of the e-school cycle or whenever you may wish, you can request that every information about you be deleted from our databases and server, and this we will gladly honor.

Your information is stored securely on our web servers hosted by Inmotion Hosting in Los Angeles. Teachers and other team members do not have access to this secure data.